Sustainability in practice

How we practise sustainability every day

Not long ago, we were awarded the Travelife Certificate in Sustainable Tourism, which we are very proud of. To achieve this, we had to fulfil several criteria and one of them is to practise sustainability in our offices. But how do we do this exactly? Here are a few examples of how our colleagues do their best to make Haman Group as sustainable as possible.

Travelife Certified

Cleaning up our neighbourhoods

Colleagues from the entire Haman Group decided to pick up litter around Lake Sognsvann in Oslo and a beach in Sollentuna in Stockholm. We try to organise activities like this to improve our environment and clean up the nature in our neighbourhoods. It brings the team together and we get to know each other better.

Sharing is caring – Flea Market

Sharing is caring – and it’s sustainable. This is why we organised a Flea Market where colleagues could exchange clothes, books and much more. Instead of donating them they go right to your co-workers and are loved for a little while longer. We are making this into a yearly tradition and are already looking forward to next year’s edition.

Corporate Travel

Every time one of our employees travels for work, we ensure to organise the travel in the most sustainable way. We choose public transport, try to avoid airplanes whenever possible. We try to avoid unnecessary journeys, if a meeting can be done virtually, we do so. If we do end up having to travel by plane, we make sure to offset our emissions for each flight.

Sustainable Practises in our Offices

Let’s go paperless

We encouraged our employees to stop printing unless it’s absolutely necessary and are proud to say that we have reduced our paper consumption by a considerable amount since we started implementing this change.


We take great care in recycling and sorting our office waste. Whether that’s food waste from our daily lunches, or cardboard from recent deliveries. We call each other out if we see something that is in the wrong bin, and help each other.

Switch it off

Whenever we don’t use a room, we turn off the lights and the heating to reduce our electricity consumption, if possible. We make sure that this is a practise all employees implement daily.